2024 Instagram Algorithm: Key Updates for Ecommerce Retailers

The 2024 Instagram algorithm update has brought several crucial changes that retailers in the ecommerce space must understand to have an engaged audience and boost their visibility on this social media platform. Let’s unpack these updates and explore strategies to leverage them for your social media presence’s success and conversion rates.

Understanding Instagram's Algorithm Shift

Why Change Now?

Instagram continually updates its algorithms to enhance user experience and satisfaction. This recent change aims to prioritise relevant content and relevant posts for their target audience, with a focus on the recency of posts, making it crucial for brands to adapt quickly to grow their engagement rate.

The Importance of Hashtag Strategy

Post Hashtags in Your Captions

Gone are the days when relevant hashtags in comments would do the trick. 

Instagram 2024 Algorithm

Now with the 2024 Instagram algorithm, placing your relevant hashtags directly in your post captions is essential for maximising reach. This adjustment to your content strategy ensures that your content is more likely to appear in relevant searches, thereby increasing visibility.

Mix Up Your Hashtags

Using the same set of hashtags repeatedly can seem spammy and may hinder your relevant content’s reach. Mixing up your hashtags not only helps in targeting a broader audience but also keeps your content fresh and more engaging. Also always use relevant hashtags related to the post to increase audience engagement.

Opt for Unconventional Posting Times

Posting at exact hours, like on the hour, is now passé. With the new update, odd times, such as 3:24 PM instead of 3:00 PM, can help your feed posts gain more visibility in front of a broader audience. This strategy reduces competition with other posts, giving yours a better chance of catching the audience’s eye and optimising the user experience.

Creating Engaging Content

Quality Over Quantity

The new social media algorithm rewards user-generated content that resonates well with a wider audience. Focus on creating high-quality content and engaging posts that invite interaction through likes, comments, and shares, as well as build meaningful connections through authentic content.

Engage With Your Audience

It’s not just about posting content; engaging with your followers’ and potential customers’ responses is equally important. Respond to comments, like feedback, and participate in conversations to boost your post’s activity metrics.

Leveraging Instagram Stories and Reels

Boost Engagement with Stories

The 2024 Instagram algorithm rewards Stories and all visual content. Those are a fantastic way to keep your audience engaged without cluttering their feed. Use this feature to share user-generated content like daily updates, behind-the-scenes content, and special promotions through video content.

Capitalise on the Power of Reels

Instagram Reels video content continue to be a favorite for target audiences, and with good reason. They’re fun, engaging, and have a higher chance of going viral than regular posts. Use Reels to showcase your products creatively and attract a larger audience.

Analyzing Your Performance

Utilise Instagram Insights

To adapt effectively to these changes, closely monitor your Instagram Insights. This tool will help you understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to refine your strategy continuously.

A/B Testing

Experiment with different hashtags, posting times, and content formats. A/B testing can provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and help you tailor your approach accordingly.

Future-Proofing Your Instagram Strategy

As Instagram continues to evolve, staying ahead means being adaptable and informed. Keep abreast of updates, experiment with new features, and always focus on creating content that truly engages your audience.

By embracing these changes, you can ensure that your ecommerce brand not only survives but thrives on Instagram. Ready to revamp your Instagram strategy?


Posting hashtags in captions ensures they are immediately indexed, improving your content’s visibility in relevant searches.

Posting at less common times can decrease competition for views from your target audience, potentially increasing your content’s exposure.

Using a variety of hashtags helps reach different audiences and prevents your posts from being marked as spam by Instagram’s algorithms.

Quality trumps quantity. Focus on posting consistently but prioritize the quality and relevance of your content, specially Instagram reels.

Yes, analyzing your performance through this social media platform’s Insights is crucial for understanding the impact of your content and optimizing your strategy accordingly.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Empath AI Is Transforming The Ecommerce Landscape


In the bustling world of retail ecommerce, one of the mayor business challenges is to make AI as human-like as possible when interacting with our consumers. Hume.ai, an empath AI, emerges as a groundbreaking tool, infusing artificial intelligence with emotional intelligence to redefine customer interactions and business operations. Let’s explore how Hume.ai is set to enhance modern business leaders’ retail strategy.

Introduction to Hume.ai

Hume.ai leverages advanced AI to interpret emotional expressions and generate empathic responses. This unique capability makes Hume.ai not just a tool but a transformative force for retail businesses aiming to deeply connect with their customers, overcoming the typical business challenges related to AI’s robotic and homogeneous approach.

Customer Engagement Redefined

Empathic Voice Interface (EVI)

Hume.ai’s Empathic Voice Interface (EVI), powered by machine learning, is the centerpiece of its customer engagement suite. By understanding and responding to nuanced vocal expressions, EVI facilitates a more natural and satisfying customer service experience, making every interaction feel personal and attentive and ensuring customer success.

Enhancing Customer Support

With Hume.ai, ecommerce platforms can deploy an empath AI as a customer support agent that truly understands the emotional context of customer queries, leading to more effective and empathetic conversations and, ultimately, higher customer satisfaction. This can be effective to improve the customer acquisition journey.

Optimizing Marketing Strategies

Expression Measurement API

Through its Expression Measurement API, Hume.ai captures subtle emotional cues from customers. This data is invaluable for crafting marketing strategies that resonate on a deeper emotional level, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Targeting and Personalization

The empath AI Hume.ai’s ability to analyze emotional data enables highly targeted marketing campaigns. By understanding the feelings and reactions of your audience, you can tailor your messaging to be more impactful and personally relevant to the customer success.

Operational Efficiency

Streamlining Customer Interactions

The integration of Hume.ai can drastically reduce the time spent on customer interactions by automating responses that are not only quick but emotionally aligned with the customer’s state, enhancing the overall user experience.

Fraud Detection

Leverage Hume.ai’s advanced AI to improve security measures. By understanding typical user behavior and emotional responses, Hume.ai can help identify anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activity.

Data-Driven Insights

Improving Decision Making

With its robust analytics capabilities, Hume.ai offers businesses actionable insights based on the emotional data gathered. This information can guide decision-making processes, from product development to customer service enhancements.

Predictive Analytics

Imagine predicting your customer’s next move before they even make it. With Hume.ai, this becomes possible as the platform analyzes emotional and behavioral patterns to forecast future actions.

Implementing Hume.ai in Your Business

Seamless Integration

Hume.ai is designed for easy integration with existing systems, ensuring you can enhance your ecommerce platform without major overhauls or disruptions.

Support and Scalability

Regardless of your business size, Hume.ai scales to meet your needs, providing the support required to maximize its benefits.

The Future of Retail with Hume.ai

As we look to the future, it’s clear that AI like Hume.ai will play a crucial role in shaping the ecommerce landscape. By understanding and responding to human emotions, retailers can offer unprecedented levels of service and engagement, setting a new standard in the industry.

Are you ready to revolutionize your retail business with Hume.ai? The potential for growth and innovation is immense, and with Hume.ai, you’re well-equipped to lead the charge.


Hume.ai uniquely combines AI with emotional intelligence, enhancing customer interactions by understanding and responding to emotional cues.

By providing empathetic customer interactions that are responsive to emotional states, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Yes, Hume.ai is scalable and can be beneficial for businesses of all sizes, enhancing customer relations and operational efficiency.

Absolutely, Hume.ai is designed for easy integration with most ecommerce platforms, enhancing functionality without major disruptions.

Improved customer engagement, enhanced marketing personalization, operational efficiency, and actionable emotional insights are key benefits.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Training ChatGPT in your voice of customer

In today’s digital landscape, engaging with customers in a personalised and authentic manner is paramount for businesses striving to stand out. As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, one tool that has gained significant traction is ChatGPT, a language generation model developed by OpenAI.

Let’s delve into the art of training ChatGPT to embody the voice of your customer and brand, unlocking invaluable insights into customer behaviour and preferences along the way.

Introduction to Training ChatGPT

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced natural language processing model designed to generate human-like text based on input. It leverages deep learning algorithms to understand context, tone, and intent, making it an ideal candidate for conversational interactions.

Importance of Training ChatGPT in Customer Voice

Training ChatGPT in the voice of your customer enables you to foster more meaningful and relatable interactions. By aligning its responses with your brand’s persona and the preferences of your target audience, you can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Understanding Customer Behaviour

The Significance of Understanding Customer Behaviour

Before embarking on training ChatGPT, it’s essential to grasp the intricacies of customer behaviour. By understanding their needs, motivations, and pain points, you can tailor ChatGPT’s responses to resonate with your audience effectively.

Methods to Analyse Customer Behaviour

Various methods, such as surveys, social media listening, and website analytics, can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour. Leveraging these tools allows you to identify patterns and trends, informing the training process for ChatGPT.

Identifying Customer Preferences

Why Knowing Customer Preferences Matters

Customer preferences serve as the guiding compass for crafting personalised interactions. Whether it’s the tone of voice, language style, or content preferences, aligning ChatGPT with these preferences enhances its ability to engage and connect with users.

Techniques to Identify Customer Preferences

Conducting preference surveys, analysing past interactions, and studying competitor strategies are effective ways to uncover customer preferences. By collating this information, you can create a comprehensive profile that informs ChatGPT’s training regimen.

Defining Your Brand Voice

Importance of Brand Voice Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to brand voice. Maintaining a cohesive tone and personality across all touchpoints fosters brand recognition and trust. Training ChatGPT to embody your brand voice ensures seamless integration into your communication strategy. Check out Episode 4 of Tribe Talks on brand positioning and maintaining brand voice consistency.

How to Define Your Brand Voice

Start by outlining your brand’s core values, personality traits, and communication style. Whether you’re aiming for a friendly, professional, or quirky tone, clearly defining these parameters provides a framework for training ChatGPT effectively.

Aligning ChatGPT with Your Brand Voice

Training ChatGPT to Reflect Your Brand Persona

Customizing ChatGPT’s responses to mirror your brand persona involves fine-tuning its language output and conversational style. This process requires iterative refinement to ensure alignment with your brand’s identity and messaging.

Strategies to Ensure Consistency

Implementing guidelines, style sheets, and regular quality checks are essential for consistency. By establishing clear protocols and providing ongoing feedback, you can ensure that ChatGPT consistently embodies your brand voice across all interactions.

Building Customer-Centric Conversations

Crafting Conversational Scenarios

Designing conversational scenarios that resonate with your audience involves anticipating their needs and preferences. You can train ChatGPT to provide relevant and helpful responses in various contexts by simulating real-life interactions.

Implementing Customer Feedback

Integrating feedback loops into ChatGPT’s training process allows for continuous improvement. By soliciting user input and adapting ChatGPT’s responses based on their feedback, you can enhance the overall user experience and satisfaction.

Leveraging ChatGPT for Insights

Analysing Data from ChatGPT Interactions

The interactions facilitated by ChatGPT generate a wealth of data that can be leveraged for insights. Analysing conversation transcripts, sentiment analysis and user feedback, provide valuable feedback for refining ChatGPT’s training.

Extracting Valuable Insights

Businesses can gain actionable insights into customer needs and pain points by identifying recurring themes, sentiment trends, and user preferences from ChatGPT interactions. These insights inform strategic decision-making and drive customer-centric initiatives. Discover more AI tips and insights here.

Optimising Customer Experience

Enhancing User Satisfaction through ChatGPT

A seamless and personalised user experience is paramount in today’s competitive landscape. By continuously optimising ChatGPT’s responses based on user feedback and behavioural data, businesses can elevate the overall customer experience.

Continuous Improvement Strategies

Embracing a culture of continuous improvement involves iterating on ChatGPT’s training regimen based on performance metrics and user feedback. By prioritising agility and adaptability, businesses can stay ahead of evolving customer expectations.

Training ChatGPT in the voice of your customer and brand offers many benefits, from enhancing customer engagement to unlocking valuable insights into behaviour and preferences. By understanding customer behaviour, defining your brand voice, and aligning ChatGPT with your brand persona, businesses can elevate the quality of their interactions and drive meaningful connections with users. As AI technology evolves, staying attuned to emerging trends and continuously refining ChatGPT’s training ensures businesses remain at the forefront of customer engagement.

Want to learn how to train ChatGPT in the voice of your customer and brand? Join me at our AI for Ecommerce Masterclass.

AI for Ecommerce Masterclass

Our upcoming AI for Ecommerce Masterclass! In this exclusive masterclass, you’ll discover the latest strategies and techniques for leveraging artificial intelligence to skyrocket your online sales.

📅 Date: Wednesday, 10th April

⏰ Time: 12:00 pm AEST

📍Location: Online via Zoom

Whether you’re new to the world of AI or looking to deepen your understanding, this session is tailored to help you unlock the full potential of AI in your ecommerce business.

Investment of $99* Please note it is free to The Ecommerce Tribe members.

Training ChatGPT


ChatGPT excels at understanding context and generating relevant responses, making it well-suited for handling a wide range of complex customer queries.

Businesses can achieve brand voice consistency by defining clear guidelines, providing training data that reflects their brand persona, and implementing regular quality checks.

Common challenges include data scarcity, bias in training data, and domain-specific nuances. Overcoming these hurdles requires diverse datasets, bias mitigation strategies, and continuous refinement.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Content Planning with AI Optimisation Guide

Content Planning with AI.

Welcome to the era where AI is transforming the landscape of content creation. Content planning is a significant part of any business. However, the traditional methods of brainstorming ideas, conducting keyword research, and scheduling content can be time-consuming. With Artificial Intelligence (AI), content planning has been revolutionised, offering marketers unprecedented insights, efficiency, and scalability.

Let’s delve into the world of content planning and explore how ChatGPT can revolutionise this crucial aspect of digital marketing.

Understanding Content Planning

What is Content Planning?

Content planning involves the strategic process of outlining, creating, and distributing content to achieve specific marketing goals. It encompasses brainstorming ideas, researching topics, and crafting compelling narratives tailored to target audiences.

Why is Content Planning Important?

Effective content planning sets the foundation for successful marketing campaigns. It ensures coherence in messaging, aligns with brand objectives, and maximises audience engagement, ultimately driving traffic and conversions. It also plays a significant role in your digital marketing plan, which is fundamental for any ecommerce business.

Challenges in Content Planning

Content planning is essential for ecommerce businesses to engage with their target audience and drive sales effectively. However, navigating the complexities of content creation can be daunting, presenting several challenges along the way.

Lack of Direction

One of the most significant hurdles businesses face in content planning is a lack of clear direction. Without a well-defined strategy and content objectives, businesses may aimlessly create content that fails to resonate with their audience. This lack of direction can result in wasted resources and missed opportunities to connect with potential customers.

Why it’s important for ecommerce businesses:

Clear content objectives are crucial for ecommerce businesses to align their content with their overall marketing goals. Whether increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or boosting sales, having a solid content strategy ensures that every piece of content serves a purpose and contributes to the bottom line.

Inconsistent Messaging

Maintaining a consistent brand voice across various channels and platforms is another common challenge in content planning. Inconsistencies in messaging can confuse consumers and dilute brand identity, leading to disengagement and loss of trust.

Why it’s important for ecommerce businesses:

Consistency is key to building brand recognition and fostering customer loyalty. Ecommerce businesses rely heavily on establishing a solid brand identity to differentiate themselves in a competitive market. Consistent messaging ensures that customers have a cohesive experience across all touchpoints, from social media posts to product descriptions, reinforcing brand values and driving conversions. Check out Episode 3 of Tribe Talks on Omnichannel Retail Strategy and Customer Loyalty.

Content Fatigue

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, content creators often experience burnout due to the ever-increasing demand for fresh content. Without the right tools and resources, sustaining creativity and producing relevant content regularly can be exhausting, leading to diminished quality and engagement.

Why it’s important for ecommerce businesses:

Content fatigue can negatively impact ecommerce businesses by hindering their ability to attract and retain customers. In a competitive market with short attention spans, businesses must continuously deliver engaging and valuable content to stay top-of-mind. Overcoming content fatigue requires innovative solutions and strategic planning to ensure content remains fresh, relevant, and impactful. Addressing these challenges in content planning is essential for ecommerce businesses to stay competitive and effectively reach their target audience. By establishing clear objectives, maintaining consistent messaging, and combating content.

Role of AI in Content Planning

Content Ideation

AI-powered tools leverage advanced algorithms to analyse vast amounts of data from various sources, including social media, search engines, and industry trends. By mining this data, AI can generate valuable insights regarding popular topics, emerging trends, and audience interests. These insights serve as a springboard for content ideation, enabling marketers to develop relevant and engaging topics that resonate with their target audience.

Data Analysis

In addition to ideation, AI excels in data analysis, providing marketers with actionable insights to inform their content strategy. From sentiment analysis to competitor benchmarking, AI algorithms can process and interpret data more efficiently than human analysts. This allows marketers to make data-driven decisions regarding content themes, formats, and distribution channels, ultimately maximising the impact of their content efforts.


Furthermore, AI streamlines the content scheduling process by automating repetitive tasks and optimising publishing schedules. AI-powered content calendar tools analyse various factors, such as audience engagement patterns, peak traffic times, and social media trends, to recommend the optimal times for publishing content. This ensures that content is delivered to the right audience at the right time, maximising its visibility and impact. Check out the Digital Marketing Automation tools. 

Introducing ChatGPT for Content Planning

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI. It leverages state-of-the-art natural language processing techniques to generate human-like text based on input prompts.

How Can ChatGPT Assist in Content Planning?

ChatGPT, powered by advanced artificial intelligence technology, offers myriad benefits for businesses embarking on content planning endeavours. Let’s delve deeper into how ChatGPT can revolutionise the content creation process and empower marketers to achieve their goals efficiently and precisely:

  1. Generating Ideas: One of the most challenging aspects of content planning is brainstorming fresh and engaging ideas. ChatGPT is a reliable brainstorming partner, capable of generating a wide range of content ideas based on input prompts. Whether blog topics, social media posts, or email newsletters, ChatGPT can provide valuable inspiration to kickstart the creative process.
  2. Refining Content: Once the initial ideas are generated, ChatGPT excels in refining and enhancing the quality of content. Its language generation capabilities enable it to suggest improvements, rephrase sentences, and offer alternative word choices to make the content more compelling and impactful. This saves content creators time and ensures that the final output meets the desired standards of excellence.
  3. Maintaining Consistency: Consistency is key in content planning, especially when maintaining a cohesive brand voice and style across different channels and platforms. ChatGPT can help marketers maintain consistency by ensuring that the tone, language, and messaging align with the brand guidelines. Whether crafting social media captions, product descriptions, or email campaigns, ChatGPT can consistently uphold the brand’s identity and values.
  4. Enhancing Productivity: By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining the content creation process, ChatGPT enhances marketers’ productivity. Instead of spending hours brainstorming ideas or fine-tuning content, marketers can leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to expedite the workflow and focus their time and energy on more strategic initiatives. This results in faster turnaround times, increased output, and greater efficiency.
  5. Facilitating Collaboration: Collaboration is essential in content planning, as it allows multiple stakeholders to contribute their ideas and insights. ChatGPT can facilitate collaboration by serving as a virtual assistant that assists teams in generating ideas, refining content, and providing real-time feedback. Its intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it easy for team members to collaborate seamlessly, regardless of location or time zone.

ChatGPT is a powerful ally for businesses embarking on content planning endeavours. Its ability to generate ideas, refine content, maintain consistency, enhance productivity, and facilitate collaboration makes it an invaluable tool for marketers to streamline their content creation process and achieve their objectives with precision and efficiency.

Steps to Optimize Content Planning with ChatGPT

Utilising ChatGPT effectively in content planning involves a structured approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide to harnessing its power:

Step 1: Setting Clear Goals

Define specific objectives for your content strategy, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads. Clear goals provide direction and ensure your content aligns with overarching business objectives.

Step 2: Generating Ideas and Topics

Utilise ChatGPT to brainstorm content ideas and explore trending topics within your industry. Input prompts related to your target audience, niche keywords, or current events to generate relevant content suggestions.

Step 3: Crafting Engaging Headlines

Create attention-grabbing headlines that entice readers to click and explore your content further. ChatGPT can help generate headline variations based on input prompts, allowing you to choose the most compelling option.

Step 4: Creating Outline and Structure

Develop a comprehensive outline for your content, outlining key points, subtopics, and the overall flow. ChatGPT can assist in structuring your content by providing suggested sections and organising your ideas coherently.

Step 5: Writing and Refining Content

Use ChatGPT to draft initial content based on your outline, then refine and polish the text to enhance readability and clarity. Incorporate your unique voice and style while ensuring consistency with your brand messaging.

How the Tribe Optimises Content Planning with AI

In the Ecommerce Tribe, we use ChatGPT and AI for content planning. We have a monthly content planning session, where we create a month’s worth of content in less than 2 hours.

But how?

We used my favourite tool, ChatGPT + Google Trends!

I have created a series of ChatGPT prompts to save you time and help you generate more content.

Here is the simple version: Our two prompts focused on your customer’s preferences and behaviours. Based on this information, we asked ChatGPT to create a content plan that includes socials, emails, and blogs to cater to the customer, and we added trending searches and keywords we fleshed out from Google Trends.

These prompts help retailers create content with consistent messaging and clear content objectives, expand on their content ideas/make suggestions for them.

Download my series of ChatGPT content planning prompts below.

By leveraging AI for content planning, you’

AI for Ecommerce Masterclass

We’re excited to announce our upcoming AI for Ecommerce Masterclass! In this exclusive masterclass, you’ll discover the latest strategies and techniques for leveraging artificial intelligence to skyrocket your online sales.

Content Planning with AI

Whether you’re new to the world of AI or looking to deepen your understanding, this session is tailored to help you unlock the full potential of AI in your ecommerce business. Investment of $99* Please note it is free to The Ecommerce Tribe members.


ChatGPT assists in content planning by generating ideas, refining content, and maintaining consistency. It can streamline the content creation process, providing valuable suggestions for topics, headlines, and structure.

While ChatGPT is versatile and can be used for various types of content, its effectiveness may vary depending on the complexity and specificity of the subject matter. It excels in generating general content but may require human oversight for specialised or technical topics.

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can augment human content creators’ work by assisting in generating ideas and refining content. However, it is not intended to replace human creativity and expertise entirely. Human input adds context, nuance, and emotional intelligence to content.

ChatGPT is designed to prioritise user privacy and data security. OpenAI, the organisation behind ChatGPT, implements robust measures to safeguard sensitive information. However, users should exercise caution when inputting confidential or proprietary data into the system.

While ChatGPT exhibits remarkable language generation abilities, it has certain limitations. It may need help understanding context, detecting sarcasm, or accurately producing highly technical content. Additionally, it may generate biased or inappropriate responses if fed with biased input. Users should be aware of these limitations and use ChatGPT judiciously.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Easter Marketing Campaigns: Cracking the Code for Success

Easter Marketing Campaigns

Easter is a time for celebration and a prime opportunity for businesses to hop into action with their marketing strategies. It is one of the biggest sales periods and is the first holiday after Christmas. It’s a perfect opportunity to craft compelling Easter marketing campaigns to attract and engage their audience.

Let’s dive deeper into the art of Easter marketing and unveil the secrets to running successful campaigns that leave a lasting impression.

Easter marketing campaigns capture consumers’ attention during this joyous season. From chocolate bunnies to colourful eggs, the Easter holiday presents many opportunities for businesses to connect with their target audience and drive sales.

Understanding Easter Marketing Campaigns

Easter marketing involves tailoring your promotional efforts to align with the themes and sentiments associated with the holiday. It’s about tapping into Easter’s spirit of renewal, hope, and celebration and infusing it into your brand’s messaging and imagery.

Importance of Easter Marketing Campaigns

The significance of Easter marketing campaigns extends beyond mere promotion. It allows businesses to foster a sense of community, evoke emotions, and position themselves as elevant and relatable in the eyes of consumers

Critical Elements of Successful Campaigns

Crafting a successful Easter marketing campaign requires careful planning and execution.
Several key elements contribute to the effectiveness of your promotional efforts:

Compelling Visuals and Imagery

Capture the essence of Easter with eye-catching visuals that resonate with your target audience. Incorporate elements such as Easter eggs, spring flowers, and playful bunnies to evoke feelings of warmth and nostalgia.

Easter Marketing Campaigns
Easter Marketing Campaigns

Captivating Content

Create engaging content that tells a story and sparks curiosity. Whether through blog posts, videos, or social media posts, leverage storytelling to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Social Media For the Easter Marketing Campaigns

Social media platforms offer a fertile ground for Easter promotions. Engage your audience through:

Easter-themed Hashtag Challenges

Encourage users to participate in Easter-themed challenges and share their experiences using a branded hashtag.

User-Generated Content

Harness the power of user-generated content by encouraging customers to share their Easter celebrations using your products or services.

Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing remains a potent tool for reaching your audience directly. Maximise your email campaigns by:

Personalised Easter Greetings

Send personalised Easter greetings to your subscribers, accompanied by exclusive offers or discounts to drive conversions.

Easter Countdown Campaigns

Build anticipation with countdown emails leading to Easter, featuring sneak peeks of upcoming promotions or products.

Website Optimisation

Ensure your website reflects the Easter spirit and facilitates seamless conversions:

Easter-themed Landing Pages

Create a dedicated landing page for Easter based on relevant SEO keywords with Easter-themed visuals and compelling calls-to-action to guide visitors towards purchasing.

Use Google Trends and Ubersuggest to discover the trendy and relevant trends for Easter.

Here are some examples:

Easter Marketing Campaigns

Think outside the box for content.
There is a lot of content out there, and it can be hard to stand out from the noise. But it doesn’t have to be…. You just need to provide useful and valuable content to your audience.

Think outside the box; what can you give them that will help them this Easter?

Imagine you are a butcher. On your Easter landing page, you can have some Easter lunch recipes. What are the perfect locations for your Easter lunch, or what sides would be delicious with this meal?

Here are some excellent examples: Good Day People and Hometown Heritage clothing

Easter Marketing Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaborating with other brands or influencers and seeking sponsorship opportunities can significantly enhance the reach and impact of your Easter marketing campaigns.

Cross-Promotional Campaigns

Teaming up with complementary brands or influencers allows you to tap into their existing audience and expand your reach. By co-creating Easter-themed content together, you gain exposure to new potential customers and benefit from the credibility and trust established by your partners. For example, a clothing brand could partner with a jewellery brand to offer curated Easter outfits accessorised with the latest jewellery trends. This collaborative approach provides value to customers, strengthens brand associations, and fosters a sense of community within your target market.

Moreover, cross-promotional campaigns offer a mutually beneficial opportunity for both parties involved. You can leverage each other’s strengths and resources to create content and promotions by partnering with brands with similar values or target demographics. For instance, a local bakery could collaborate with a coffee shop to offer a special Easter-themed pastry and coffee pairing, enticing customers from both businesses to indulge in a festive treat. Cross-promoting each other’s products or services can attract new customers and drive sales while deepening their connection with existing ones.

Analysing Data and Metrics

Tracking the performance of your Easter marketing campaigns is essential for understanding what worked well and where there’s room for improvement. Here’s how you can effectively analyse data and metrics to refine your strategies:

Conversion Tracking

One of the fundamental aspects of analysing Easter marketing campaigns is tracking conversions. By monitoring key metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and revenue generated, you can gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns in driving desired actions from your audience.

For example, if you’re running an Easter-themed email campaign promoting special holiday discounts, you would track metrics such as the number of email opens, click-through rates on links within the email, and conversions resulting from those clicks. By analysing these metrics, you can determine which aspects of your campaign resonate with your audience and drive them to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting your website.

Conversion tracking allows you to identify which channels, messaging, and offers are most effective in driving desired outcomes, enabling you to allocate resources more effectively and optimise your campaigns for maximum impact.

A/B Testing

In addition to tracking conversions, conducting A/B testing is a powerful technique for optimising Easter marketing campaigns. A/B testing involves creating multiple variations of a campaign element (such as email subject lines, ad copy, imagery, or calls-to-action) and testing them against each other to identify which version performs better in achieving your campaign objectives.

For instance, if you’re unsure which subject line will result in higher email open rates for your Easter newsletter, you can create two versions and send them to two separate segments of your email list. By analysing the open rates for each version, you can determine which subject line resonates better with your audience and use that insight to optimise future email campaigns.

Similarly, you can conduct A/B testing on landing pages, social media ads, and other campaign elements to refine your messaging, design, and user experience based on real-time feedback from your audience.

By continually testing and iterating on different elements of your Easter marketing campaigns, you can identify the most impactful strategies and refine your approach over time to drive better results and maximise ROI. A/B testing empowers you to make data-driven decisions that lead to more effective and engaging campaigns, ultimately helping you achieve your business goals during the Easter season and beyond.

Easter presents a golden opportunity for businesses to connect with consumers through creative and compelling marketing campaigns. By understanding the essence of Easter, leveraging key elements of successful Easter marketing campaigns, and embracing innovation, brands can captivate their audience and drive meaningful engagement. Remember to evaluate the performance of your campaigns, learn from insights gained, and continuously refine your strategies to stay ahead in the competitive landscape of Easter marketing.

Need help with how to implement these strategies for your ecommerce business? Don’t worry. I’m here to help! Book a call with me, and let’s discuss how we can tailor the Easter Marketing Campaign specifically to your business goal.


It’s advisable to start planning your Easter marketing campaigns several weeks in advance to allow ample time for strategising, creative development, and implementation. This ensures you’re well-prepared to capitalise on the holiday season and stand out amidst the competition.

While no specific regulations govern Easter-themed promotions, adhering to general advertising standards and consumer protection laws is essential. Avoid misleading or deceptive practices, and ensure your promotions comply with relevant industry regulations and guidelines.

You can measure the success of your Easter marketing campaigns using various performance metrics such as conversion rates, engagement metrics, traffic sources, ROI, and customer feedback. By analysing these indicators, you can gauge your campaigns’ effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Small businesses can leverage cost-effective Easter marketing strategies such as social media promotions, email marketing campaigns, user-generated content contests, and local community partnerships. These tactics allow you to reach your target audience effectively without breaking the bank.

Conduct thorough market research to understand their preferences, interests, and pain points to ensure your Easter marketing campaigns resonate with your target audience. Tailor your messaging, imagery, and promotions to align with their needs and aspirations, fostering a deeper connection and engagement.

Analysing Data and Metrics


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

What is SEO in digital marketing?

In the vast ocean of the internet, where billions of websites vie for attention, how do you ensure that your voice is heard, your brand is seen, and your business thrives?

The answer lies in the art and science of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Imagine SEO as your trusty compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of search engine results to the treasure trove of organic traffic and unparalleled visibility. In this blog, we embark on an exhilarating journey into the realm of SEO, uncovering its secrets, dissecting its nuances, and unveiling its transformative potential.

What is SEO?

SEO, simply put, is the art and science of optimising your online content to rank higher in search engine results. When someone types a query into a search engine like Google, SEO helps your website appear closer to the top of the search results, increasing its visibility and driving more organic traffic.

What is SEO in Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the secret ingredient that makes your website stand out in the digital world. The magic wand ensures your content doesn’t get lost in the vast wilderness of the internet. With SEO, your website becomes a beacon of relevance and authority, guiding users straight to your virtual doorstep and transforming casual visitors into loyal customers.

Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing

In the fiercely competitive digital landscape, visibility is critical. Without SEO, your website might as well be a needle in a haystack. By implementing effective SEO strategies, you can ensure that your target audience finds you effortlessly, boosting brand awareness, driving traffic, and increasing conversions.

How Search Engines Work

Ever wondered how search engines decide which websites to show at the top of the search results? It all boils down to complex algorithms that analyse hundreds of factors to determine relevance and authority. These factors include keywords, backlinks, and user experience, among others.

Types of Search Engine Results

Search engine results pages (SERPs) are not one-size-fits-all. Users may encounter various results depending on the query, including organic listings, paid advertisements, featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local packs. Understanding these different result types is crucial for crafting an effective SEO strategy.

Website Factors for SEO in Digital Marketing

Optimising Site Architecture for SEO Success

Site architecture is pivotal in SEO as the blueprint for how search engines crawl and index your website. A well-structured site enhances user experience and improves search engine visibility. Organising your content into logical categories, creating clear navigation pathways, and implementing internal linking strategies will ensure that users and search engines can easily find and access your content.

SEO in digital marketing

Embracing Mobile Friendliness for Enhanced User Experience

In today’s mobile-first world, optimising your website for mobile devices is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Mobile-friendly websites provide a seamless browsing experience for users on smartphones and tablets and earn favour with search engines. Google, in particular, prioritises mobile-friendly websites in its search results, making mobile optimisation a crucial component of any SEO strategy. From responsive design and mobile-friendly layouts to fast load times and intuitive navigation, ensuring that your website caters to mobile users is essential for SEO success.

Prioritising Load Speed for Both Mobile and Desktop Users

In the fast-paced digital landscape, every second counts. Whether users browse on mobile devices or desktop computers, slow load times can be a significant turnoff, leading to high bounce rates and decreased search engine rankings. That’s why optimising load speed is paramount for SEO. You can ensure that your website loads swiftly across all devices by minimising server response times, compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and reducing unnecessary scripts and plugins. A lightning-fast website enhances user experience and signals to search engines that your site is reliable and user-friendly.

Test your website speed here:

Ensuring Security and Accessibility for All Users

Security and accessibility are not just ethical imperatives—they’re also crucial for SEO. Secure websites (HTTPS) inspire trust among users and provide a safe browsing environment, while inaccessible websites alienate users with disabilities and hinder search engine crawlers from adequately indexing your content. By implementing SSL certificates, adhering to web accessibility standards (WCAG), and optimising screen readers and assistive technologies, you can create a more inclusive and trustworthy online experience. Moreover, search engines prioritise secure and accessible websites in their rankings, making security and accessibility essential to any comprehensive SEO strategy.

The Importance of Accessibility in SEO

Search engines strive to deliver users the most relevant and user-friendly results. Websites that prioritise accessibility demonstrate a commitment to providing a seamless browsing experience for all visitors, which aligns with search engines’ goals of delivering high-quality content. Moreover, search engine algorithms increasingly prioritise accessible websites, considering factors such as alt text for images, proper heading structure, and keyboard navigation.

Key Accessibility Considerations for SEO

Alt Text for Images: Including descriptive alt text for images helps visually impaired users understand the content and provides valuable context for search engines. Optimising alt text with relevant keywords can improve the visibility of your images in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Semantic HTML: Proper use of semantic HTML elements such as headings, lists, and landmarks improves the structure and navigation of your website for both users and search engines. Search engines rely on these elements to understand the hierarchy and organisation of your content.

Keyboard Navigation: Ensuring that your website can be navigated using keyboard controls is essential for users who rely on assistive technologies or have mobility impairments. Search engines also consider the accessibility of navigation elements when determining website usability.

Transcripts and Captions: Providing transcripts for audio content and captions for video content not only enhances accessibility but also makes your multimedia content more searchable and indexable by search engines.

Key Elements of SEO in Digital Marketing


Keywords are the building blocks of SEO. Users type these words and phrases into search engines when looking for information. By conducting keyword research and strategically incorporating relevant keywords into your content, you can increase your chances of ranking for specific queries.

Use ubersuggest or SEMrush to help you identify the traffic and SEO difficulty for your keywords.

SEO in digital marketing

On-Page Optimisation

On-page optimisation involves optimising individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. This includes optimising meta titles, meta descriptions, headings, and body content and improving site structure and internal linking.

Off-Page Optimisation

Off-page optimisation focuses on improving your website’s authority and credibility through external factors such as backlinks, social signals, and online mentions. Building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites is a cornerstone of off-page SEO.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO deals with the backend elements of your website that affect search engine visibility, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, and indexability. Ensuring that your website is technically sound is essential for achieving optimal search engine rankings.

Best Practices for SEO

Content Creation

Content is king in the realm of SEO. Creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content attracts visitors and encourages other websites to link back to yours. The possibilities for content creation are endless, from blog posts and articles to videos and infographics.

Link Building

Link building is acquiring hyperlinks from other websites that are on your own. These backlinks act as votes of confidence in the eyes of search engines, signalling that your content is valuable and worthy of attention. However, it’s crucial to focus on quality over quantity and avoid spammy tactics.

Mobile Optimisation

With most internet users now browsing on mobile devices, optimising your website for mobile is no longer optional—it’s essential. Mobile-friendly websites provide a better user experience and rank higher in mobile search results, thanks to Google’s mobile-first indexing.

Measuring SEO Success

Metrics to Track

To gauge the effectiveness of your SEO efforts, it’s essential to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, backlink profile, bounce rate, and conversion rate. By monitoring these metrics regularly, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Tools for SEO Analysis

Many tools are available to help you analyse and optimise your website for search engines. From Google Analytics and Google Search Console to SEMrush and Ubersuggest, these tools provide valuable insights into your website’s performance, competitor analysis, keyword research, and more.

Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Keyword Stuffing

Stuffing your content with an excessive number of keywords in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings is a big no-no. Not only does it make your content sound unnatural and spammy, but it can also result in penalties from search engines.

Ignoring Mobile Users

Failing to optimise your website for mobile users is a cardinal sin in the world of SEO. With mobile devices accounting for most web traffic, neglecting mobile optimisation can lead to poor user experience and lower search engine rankings.

Neglecting Quality Content

Content is the heart and soul of SEO. No amount of technical wizardry or link-building can compensate for low-quality, irrelevant content. Investing time and resources into creating valuable and engaging content is essential for long-term SEO success.

The Future of SEO

Voice Search Optimisation

With the rise of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search is becoming increasingly prevalent. Optimising your content for voice search queries requires a different approach, focusing on natural language, long-tail keywords, and conversational content.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionise the field of SEO in the coming years. From personalised search results and predictive analytics to natural language processing and content generation, AI-powered tools are unlocking new possibilities for optimising websites and improving user experience.

In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, SEO remains a cornerstone of success. By understanding the fundamentals of SEO, implementing best practices, and staying ahead of emerging trends, you can position your website for long-term growth and profitability.


SEO optimises organic search results, while SEM (Search Engine Marketing) involves paid advertising strategies such as pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.

SEO is a long-term strategy, and the timeline for seeing results can vary depending on factors such as competition, industry, and the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. Generally, seeing significant improvements in search engine rankings may take several months.

While Google is the most popular search engine, SEO principles


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Digital Marketing Automation Guide 2024

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. With the advent of digital marketing automation, businesses can streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and enhance customer engagement like never before. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of digital marketing automation, exploring its benefits, types, implementation strategies, best practices, challenges, future trends, and more.

What is Digital Marketing Automation?

Digital marketing automation uses software tools and platforms to automate repetitive marketing tasks like email campaigns, social media posting, and PPC advertising. By leveraging automation, businesses can free up valuable time, allowing marketers to focus on more strategic initiatives while delivering personalised experiences to their audience.

Benefits of Digital Marketing Automation

Saving Time and Resources

One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing automation is its ability to save time and resources. By automating repetitive tasks, such as scheduling social media posts or sending out email newsletters, marketers can allocate their time to more high-value activities, such as crafting compelling content or analysing campaign performance.

Improving Efficiency

Automation also enhances efficiency by streamlining processes and reducing the likelihood of human error. With automated workflows in place, marketers can ensure that tasks are completed promptly and consistently, leading to improved overall productivity.

Enhancing Personalisation

Furthermore, automation enables marketers to deliver highly personalised experiences to their audience. Businesses can tailor their marketing messages to individual preferences by leveraging data insights and behavioural triggers, increasing engagement and driving conversions.

Types of Digital Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing automation uses software to automate various aspects of email campaigns, such as sending out welcome and abandoned cart emails, nurturing leads through automated drip campaigns, and segmenting subscribers based on their interests and behaviours.

Social Media Automation

Social media automation tools allow marketers to schedule posts in advance, engage with followers through automated responses, and analyse performance metrics to optimise their social media strategy.

PPC Campaign Automation

PPC campaign automation streamlines the management of pay-per-click advertising campaigns, including keyword bidding, ad creation, and performance tracking, to maximise ROI and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Choosing the Right Tools

When selecting digital marketing automation tools for your business, you must consider several factors to ensure you choose the right solution that aligns with your goals and objectives.

Assessing Business Needs

Start by identifying your specific marketing needs and objectives. Whether you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive conversions, understanding your goals will help you narrow your options and choose the most suitable automation tools.

Considering Budget and Scalability

Evaluate your budget constraints and scalability requirements to find a solution that fits your financial resources and can grow with your business over time. Look for flexible pricing plans and scalable features to accommodate your evolving needs.

Evaluating Features and Integrations

Take the time to evaluate the features and integrations of different automation tools thoroughly. Look for robust functionality, intuitive user interfaces, and seamless integrations with other software platforms you currently use, such as CRM systems or analytics tools.

Digital Marketing Automation Tools

Email Marketing Automation

Klaviyo is a widely used email marketing platform that offers automation features such as:

  • Automated workflows
  • Lead nurturing
  • A/B testing capabilities
  • Segmentation
  • Personalised email content based on subscriber behaviour
Digital Marketing Automation

Social Media Automation

Metricool offers comprehensive social media management features, including:

  • Scheduling posts
  • Monitoring posts
  • Monitor social media activity
  • Analyse performance metrics
Digital Marketing Automation

PPC Campaign Automation

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) provides automation features such as:

  • Automated bidding strategies
  • Ad scheduling
  • Ad extensions to optimise PPC campaigns and maximise ROI
Digital Marketing Automation

Implementing Automation

Once you’ve chosen the right automation tools for your business, it’s time to implement them effectively to maximise their impact on your marketing efforts.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Start by defining clear goals and objectives for your automated marketing campaigns. Whether you aim to increase website traffic, boost lead generation, or improve customer retention, establishing measurable targets will help guide your strategy and track your progress.

Selecting Suitable Software

Choose software that aligns with your goals and objectives, considering ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities. Invest time in training your team on using the software effectively to ensure a smooth transition and maximise its potential.

Integrating with Existing Systems

Ensure seamless integration with your existing systems and processes to avoid disruptions and data silos. Whether you’re integrating with your CRM, email marketing platform, or ecommerce system, ensure that your automation tools can seamlessly exchange data and insights to support your marketing efforts.

Best Practices

To make the most of digital marketing automation, consider implementing the following best practices:

Segmenting Your Audience

Segment your audience based on demographics, behaviour, and preferences to deliver targeted and personalised marketing messages that resonate with specific customer segments.

A/B Testing for Optimisation

Continuously test and optimise your automated marketing campaigns through A/B testing to identify the most effective strategies and refine your approach over time.

Continuous Monitoring and Refinement

Monitor campaign performance metrics regularly and make data-driven adjustments to optimise your automation workflows and improve overall effectiveness.

Challenges and Solutions

While digital marketing automation offers numerous benefits, it presents challenges businesses must overcome to succeed.

Overcoming Integration Hurdles

Integration can be challenging when implementing automation tools, particularly if you have complex systems or legacy infrastructure. Invest in robust integration solutions and work closely with your IT team to ensure seamless connectivity across your marketing stack.

Dealing with Data Security Concerns

Data security is a significant concern in the digital age, particularly when handling sensitive customer information. Implement robust security measures like encryption and access controls to protect your data and comply with relevant regulations.

Addressing Potential Loss of Personal Touch

While automation can enhance efficiency and scale your marketing efforts, it’s essential to strike the right balance to avoid sacrificing the personal touch that resonates with your audience. Use automation to augment, not replace, human interaction and focus on building genuine connections with your customers.

Future Trends

The future of digital marketing automation is bright, with several exciting trends on the horizon.

AI-Driven Automation Advancements

Artificial intelligence (AI) will be increasingly prominent in driving automation advancements. AI-powered algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data to uncover valuable insights, predict customer behaviour, and automate decision-making processes. This enables marketers to deliver more targeted and personalised experiences to their audience, ultimately driving better results and ROI.

Hyper-personalization through Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms enable hyper-personalization by analysing user behaviour, preferences, and interactions to deliver highly tailored marketing messages and recommendations. By leveraging machine learning, businesses can create more relevant and engaging customer experiences, increasing engagement and loyalty.

Integration with Emerging Technologies

Digital marketing automation is poised to integrate with emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT). By leveraging these technologies, marketers can create immersive brand experiences, track consumer interactions in real time, and deliver targeted content based on contextual data, further enhancing the effectiveness of their automation efforts.

Digital marketing automation offers a wealth of opportunities for businesses to streamline their marketing efforts, improve efficiency, and deliver personalised experiences to their audience. By leveraging automation tools and embracing best practices, marketers can drive better results, maximise ROI, and stay ahead of the competition in today’s digital landscape. Embrace the power of automation and unlock the full potential of your marketing strategy to achieve your business goals.

Do you need help to boost your ecommerce conversion rate? Or Need someone to review your automations? Book a website review with Kelly today!


Digital marketing automation utilises software tools and platforms to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, social media posting, and PPC advertising. In contrast, traditional marketing methods rely on manual execution and are often less targeted and efficient.

Yes, digital marketing automation can level the playing field for small businesses by enabling them to automate repetitive tasks, reach a larger audience, and deliver personalised experiences without requiring a large marketing team or budget. This allows small businesses to compete more effectively with larger competitors and achieve their business goals.

Measuring the effectiveness of digital marketing automation involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, click-through rates, ROI, and customer engagement metrics. By analysing these metrics, businesses can assess the impact of their automation efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimise their marketing strategies for better results.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Using Yotpo loyalty to boost customer loyalty

Yotpo Loyalty

Customer loyalty is the backbone of any successful ecommerce venture. It’s not just about acquiring new customers but also about retaining the existing ones.

In today’s fiercely competitive ecommerce landscape, businesses constantly seek innovative ways to stand out and build lasting relationships with their customers. One effective strategy involves leveraging customer loyalty programs. Additionally, when these programs are combined with the power of Yotpo loyalty, the results can be truly transformative.

This article will explore how integrating Yotpo, a leading platform for user-generated content marketing, can significantly enhance customer loyalty for ecommerce businesses.

What is Customer Loyalty?​

Customer loyalty refers to the tendency of customers to consistently choose a particular product, brand, or company over others in the marketplace. It goes beyond mere satisfaction with a product or service; it implies a strong emotional connection and a willingness to engage with a brand or company repeatedly.

Customer loyalty is typically built through positive experiences, excellent customer service, consistent quality, brand reputation, rewards programs, and other forms of value that a company provides to its customers. Loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, recommend the brand to others, and resist switching to competitors, ultimately leading to higher profitability and long-term success for the business.

Importance of Customer Loyalty

Retention vs Acquisition

While acquiring new customers is vital for business growth, retaining existing ones is equally—if not more—important. Customer retention ensures a steady revenue stream and contributes to brand advocacy and organic growth.

Building Brand Advocacy

Loyal customers aren’t just repeat buyers; they’re brand ambassadors. Their positive experiences and recommendations can influence others’ purchasing decisions, leading to organic growth and market expansion.

Benefits of Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty brings many benefits, including increased customer lifetime value, reduced marketing costs, higher profitability, and valuable word-of-mouth referrals. 

Hear from one of our tribe members, Jaden from Super Butcher:

Understanding Yotpo Loyalty

What is Yotpo?

Yotpo is a comprehensive platform that enables businesses to collect and leverage user-generated content such as reviews, ratings, photos, and Q&A to enhance their marketing efforts.

Loyalty Features

Among its offerings are customizable review request emails, on-site widgets for displaying social proof, as well as loyalty and referral programs. Moreover, Yotpo provides advanced analytics for tracking performance.

Yotpo Loyalty

Integrating Yotpo Loyalty for Customer Loyalty

Reviews and Ratings

Integrating Yotpo allows ecommerce businesses to showcase authentic reviews and ratings, building trust and credibility among potential customers

Loyalty Programs

Yotpo’s loyalty program feature enables businesses to reward customers for their engagement and repeat purchases, fostering a sense of loyalty and incentivising future transactions.

Tips for Maximising Yotpo Loyalty for Customer Loyalty

Engaging Content Creation

Encourage customers to leave detailed reviews and share their experiences by offering incentives and creating a seamless review submission process. Ask them to include your keywords and add photos.

Incentivising Reviews: Inspiring Action

One of the most effective ways to motivate customers to leave reviews is by offering incentives that resonate with their interests and preferences. Whether it’s in the form of discounts, exclusive offers, or loyalty points, incentivising reviews encourages participation and demonstrates appreciation for customers’ time and feedback. By aligning incentives with desired actions, businesses can create a win-win scenario where customers feel valued and motivated to engage with the brand.

Streamlining Review Submission: Removing Barriers

Creating a seamless and hassle-free submission process is the key to eliciting customer reviews. Businesses can remove friction points and encourage greater participation by optimising the review submission interface for simplicity and intuitiveness. This may involve minimising form fields, providing clear instructions, and offering multiple submission channels to accommodate diverse preferences. A user-friendly review submission process ensures customers can easily share their experiences without unnecessary hurdles or distractions.

Strategic Keyword Integration: Maximising Visibility

Incorporating relevant keywords into customer reviews is not just about SEO; it’s about maximising visibility and relevance across digital channels. Businesses can increase their search engine rankings and attract qualified traffic by prompting customers to include target keywords naturally within their reviews. Moreover, strategically aligning keywords with popular search terms and trending topics ensures that reviews resonate with potential customers, driving engagement and conversion rates.

Visual Storytelling with Photos: Adding Depth and Authenticity

In the age of visual-centric communication, photos speak louder than words. Encouraging customers to supplement their reviews with photos adds depth, authenticity, and credibility to their experiences. Whether it’s product unboxing shots, before-and-after comparisons, or action shots of the product in use, visual content captivates audiences and enhances the storytelling experience. By incorporating user-generated photos into marketing materials and social media posts, businesses can create a compelling narrative that resonates with potential customers on a visceral level.

Utilising User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) emerges as a potent weapon in a brand’s arsenal, offering an authentic, relatable perspective that resonates deeply with audiences. By harnessing the power of UGC and strategically integrating it across various marketing channels, businesses can amplify their brand’s reach and credibility in unprecedented ways.

The Power of Authenticity

UGC carries an inherent authenticity that traditional marketing tactics often lack. It represents genuine experiences and sentiments shared by real customers, devoid of overt marketing agendas. When potential customers encounter UGC, whether in the form of glowing testimonials or candid photos, they perceive it as more trustworthy and credible, thus fostering a deeper connection with the brand.

Driving Social Proof and Engagement

UGC is a powerful form of social proof, demonstrating to prospective customers that others have had positive experiences with the brand’s products or services. When individuals see their peers sharing photos of themselves using a product or leaving glowing reviews, it validates their purchasing decisions and encourages them to engage with the brand further. Additionally, UGC fosters a sense of community among existing customers, strengthening their loyalty and advocacy in the process.

Enhancing Credibility and Trust

UGC emerges as a beacon of credibility in an era dominated by scepticism and distrust towards traditional advertising. When consumers encounter UGC showcasing real people enjoying and endorsing a brand, it instils a sense of trust that traditional marketing tactics struggle to achieve. By prominently featuring UGC in marketing materials, businesses can signal their transparency and authenticity, thereby bolstering their credibility in the eyes of consumers.

Handling Negative Feedback

Not all feedback will be positive, and that’s okay. Use negative feedback as an opportunity to address customer concerns publicly, showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction, and turn detractors into loyal advocates.

Acknowledging and Validating Concerns

The first step in effectively handling negative feedback is to acknowledge and validate the concerns of the dissatisfied customer. By promptly responding to negative reviews or comments, businesses demonstrate their commitment to listening and addressing customer issues, thus laying the groundwork for constructive dialogue and resolution. Genuine empathy and understanding go a long way in diffusing tension and establishing rapport with disgruntled customers.

Addressing Concerns Publicly

While the automatic response may be to sweep negative feedback under the rug, the savvy approach is to address it head-on, publicly and transparently. By responding to negative feedback publicly, businesses showcase their transparency and willingness to confront challenges openly. This reassures the dissatisfied customer and sends a powerful message to other potential customers that the business takes customer satisfaction seriously and is proactive in resolving issues.

Offering Solutions and Redress

Beyond mere acknowledgment, businesses must take proactive steps to resolve the underlying issues highlighted in negative feedback. This may involve offering refunds, replacements, or discounts as appropriate, accompanied by a sincere apology for any inconvenience caused. By taking tangible steps to rectify the situation, businesses not only demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction but also have the opportunity to turn a dissatisfied customer into a brand advocate through exemplary service recovery efforts.

Turning Detractors into Advocates

The ultimate goal in handling negative feedback is to resolve the immediate issue, win over the dissatisfied customer, and transform them into loyal advocates for the brand. By exceeding customer expectations in the aftermath of a negative experience, businesses can foster a sense of loyalty and gratitude in the customer, leading to enhanced brand affinity and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Integrating Yotpo into your ecommerce business’s customer loyalty strategy can yield substantial benefits, from improved brand perception to increased customer retention and advocacy. By leveraging the power of user-generated content, retailers can forge deeper connections with their customers and drive sustainable growth in the digital age.


Yes, Yotpo is designed to cater to the needs of various ecommerce businesses, regardless of their size or industry.

The timeline for seeing results may vary depending on factors such as implementation strategy, audience engagement, and industry dynamics. However, many businesses report noticeable improvements within a few weeks to months.

Absolutely! Yotpo can help alleviate concerns and incentivise customers to complete their purchases by showcasing social proof and offering incentives through loyalty programs.

Yotpo offers various pricing plans, including its loyalty program feature options. Businesses can choose a plan that aligns with their budget and goals.

Yes, Yotpo provides comprehensive customer support to assist businesses with integration, troubleshooting, and maximising the platform’s capabilities for long-term success.

Do you need help to boost your customer loyalty? Book a call with Kelly today!


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimisation Guide

Ecommerce Conversion Rate

In the bustling world of ecommerce, every click counts. But what truly separates a successful online store from the rest is its ability to convert those clicks into sales. That’s where the ecommerce conversion rate comes into play. In this article, we’ll delve deep into understanding the conversion rate for retailers and how you can optimise it to skyrocket your sales.

Understanding Ecommerce Conversion Rate

So, what exactly is the conversion rate? Simply put, it’s the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a form. For ecommerce, the focus is primarily on the percentage of visitors who make a purchase compared to the total number of visitors.

Why Does This Matters

The conversion rate is vital because it directly impacts your bottom line. A higher conversion rate means more sales and revenue for your business. It’s not just about driving traffic to your site; it’s about turning that traffic into paying customers.

Average Ecommerce Conversion Rate for Retailers

The average ecommerce conversion rate for retailers can vary significantly depending on various factors such as industry, target audience, and product offering. However, as a benchmark, the average conversion rate for ecommerce retailers typically falls between 2% to 3%. This means that out of every 100 visitors to an online store, around 2 to 3 of them make a purchase.

Factors such as the quality of website traffic, the effectiveness of marketing strategies, and the user experience on the website can all influence the conversion rate. It’s essential for retailers to continuously monitor and optimise their conversion rates to stay competitive in the online marketplace.

Understanding the industry standards for conversion rates can help retailers gauge their performance and identify areas for improvement. By implementing strategic measures to enhance the user experience, optimise product offerings, and refine marketing tactics, retailers can work towards achieving and even surpassing the average conversion rates in their industry.

Ecommerce Conversion Rate Industry benchmarks

Factors Affecting Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Several factors can influence your ecommerce conversion rate, and understanding them is crucial for optimising your online store.

Website Design

Your website’s design significantly shapes the user experience and, consequently, the conversion rate. A cluttered or confusing layout can deter visitors from completing their purchase.

Checkout Process

The checkout process should be streamlined and hassle-free to minimise cart abandonment. Long and complicated forms can lead to frustration and lost sales.

Product Descriptions

Compelling product descriptions can persuade potential customers to make a purchase. Engagingly highlighting key features and benefits can make all the difference.

High-Quality Images

Visuals are powerful tools in ecommerce. High-quality images that showcase your products from various angles can instil confidence in potential buyers.

Trust Signals

Building trust is essential for converting visitors into customers. Trust signals such as customer reviews, security badges, and clear return policies can help alleviate any concerns and encourage purchases.


Offering incentives like discounts, free shipping, or limited-time offers can provide the extra push needed to convert hesitant shoppers.

Mobile Optimisation

With approx 70% of customers using their mobile devices for online shopping, optimising your website for mobile users is no longer optional. A seamless mobile experience is critical for maximising conversions.

A/B Testing

Experimenting with different elements on your website, such as headlines, call-to-action buttons, or pricing, through A/B testing can help identify what resonates best with your audience.

How to Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Optimising Website Design

Your website’s design is visitors’ first impression of your brand, so it’s essential to make it count. Keep it clean, organised, and visually appealing. Use clear navigation menus and prominent calls to action to guide users through the buying process.

Streamlining Checkout Process

The checkout process should be as simple and straightforward as possible. Minimise the number of steps required to complete a purchase and offer guest checkout options for users who don’t want to create an account. The checkout experience should be between 1 – 3 clicks to complete the order.

Think of implementing Shop Pay, a streamlined and secure payment solution offered by Shopify, designed to simplify customers’ checkout process and increase online store conversion rates.

Shop Pay Example | Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Leveraging Product Descriptions

Your product descriptions should be descriptive yet concise. Focus on highlighting each product’s unique features and benefits and use the customer’s voice to resonate with their needs and wants.

Utilising High-Quality Images

Invest in professional product photography to showcase your products in the best possible light. Use high-resolution images that allow customers to zoom in and examine the details. You can use stock images from Unsplash or create pictures using AI platforms like Midjourney, Dall-E or ChatGPT.

Product image | Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Implementing Trust Signals

Display customer reviews and testimonials prominently on your website to build trust with potential buyers. Include trust badges and security seals to reassure customers that their personal information is safe.

Security badges

Offering Incentives

Entice customers with special offers and promotions, such as discounts on first purchases or free shipping for orders over a certain amount. Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency and encourage impulse buys.

Optimising for Mobile Users

Ensure your website is fully responsive and optimised for mobile devices. Test it on various screen sizes and devices to ensure a seamless user experience across all platforms.

Utilising A/B Testing

Experiment with different elements of your website, such as headlines, images, and calls to action, to see what resonates best with your audience. Use A/B testing tools to track and analyse the results.

Monitoring and Analysing Data

Track key metrics such as conversion rate, bounce rate, and average order value regularly. Analyse the data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimise your ecommerce conversion rate.

Addressing Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is a common issue for ecommerce stores, but there are several strategies you can use to reduce it. Offer incentives such as free shipping or discounts to encourage customers to complete their purchase, and set up an abandonment cart series to remind them about items left in their cart.

Building Customer Relationships

Focus on building long-term customer relationships by providing exceptional customer service and personalised experiences. Engage with them on social media, promptly respond to their feedback and inquiries, and reward their loyalty with exclusive offers and discounts.

Optimising your ecommerce conversion rate is essential for driving sales and revenue for your online store. By understanding the factors that influence conversion rate and implementing strategic tactics to optimise your website and marketing efforts, you can maximise your chances of success in the competitive world of ecommerce.


An average ecommerce conversion rate varies depending on the industry, but anything above 2% is generally considered decent. However, continually strive to improve your conversion rate over time.

You can track your conversion rate using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. Set up goals to track specific actions, such as purchases or sign-ups, and monitor your conversion rate regularly.

The timeline for seeing results from conversion rate optimisation strategies can vary based on factors like the complexity of changes made, the volume of website traffic, and the industry. Generally, you may start noticing improvements within a few weeks to a few months after implementation. However, continuous monitoring and adjustment are necessary for sustained success.

Do you need help to boost your ecommerce conversion rate? Book a website review with Kelly today!


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Google Ads Campaigns for Ecommerce

Google Ads Campaigns for Ecommerce

In today’s digital landscape, harnessing the power of online advertising is essential for driving growth and staying ahead of the competition. And when reaching your target audience with precision and impact, there’s no tool quite like Google Ads Campaigns for Ecommerce.

The growth potential is immense. From driving traffic and conversions to boosting brand visibility and revenue. However, navigating the world of Google Ads can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the game or feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of the platform.

Don’t worry. Here is a guide to understanding and optimising your Google Ads campaigns for ecommerce.

Understanding Google Ads Campaigns

First things first, let’s talk about Google Ads. Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is Google’s advertising platform. This allows businesses to create and manage ads that appear on Google’s search engine and other Google properties. These ads are displayed to users based on their: search queries, interests, and browsing behaviour, making them incredibly powerful for reaching potential customers.

Within Google Ads, there are various campaign types, but for ecommerce businesses, two fundamental types stand out: Search Ad Campaigns and Performance Max Campaigns.

Search Ad Campaigns

Search ad campaigns are the bread and butter of Google Ads for ecommerce. These campaigns allow you to create text-based ads that appear at the top of Google search results when users search for specific keywords related to your products or services. With search ads, you can target high-intent users who are actively searching for what you offer, making them more likely to convert into customers.

Search Campaign | Google Ads Campaigns for ecommerce

Performance Max Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns are a newer addition to the Google Ads arsenal and are designed to maximise performance across multiple Google properties, including Search, Display, YouTube, and more. These campaigns use machine learning and automation to optimise your ads in real time, delivering them to the right audience at the right time across various channels. Performance Max campaigns are ideal for ecommerce businesses looking to scale their advertising efforts and reach a broader audience.

Google Ads Performance Max Campaign Example

Google Ads Campaigns: DOs and DONTs

DOs for Google Ads

DONTs for Google Ads

Optimising Your Google Ads Campaigns for

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about how to optimise your Google Ads campaigns for ecommerce success:

Keyword Research

Start by conducting thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner and Uber Suggest / SEMrush to discover high-intent keywords with significant search volume.

Utilise both positive and negative keywords

In your Google Ads campaign, utilising both positive and negative keywords effectively is crucial. Positive keywords help you target the right audience by triggering your ads when users search for specific terms related to your products or services. On the other hand, negative keywords allow you to refine your targeting by excluding irrelevant search queries, ensuring your ads are shown to users with the highest potential for conversion. By strategically incorporating both positive and negative keywords, you can optimise your campaign’s performance and maximise your ROI.

Use this ChatGPT prompt to find your potential keywords, both positive and negative:

‘Act as my head of PPC review the following website [add your website] and list all the potential keywords both positive and negative, I should use in my ads.’

Ad Copy Optimisation

Craft compelling ad copy that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs and pain points. Highlight key selling points, promotions, and unique selling propositions to entice users to click on your ads.

Landing Page Optimisation

Ensure that your landing pages are optimised for conversions. Make it easy for users to find what they’re looking for and complete their purchase by providing clear product information, persuasive calls-to-action, and a streamlined checkout process.

Ad Extensions

Take advantage of ad extensions to provide additional information and incentives to users. Use extensions like site links, callouts, and promotions to make your ads more informative and clickable.

Conversion Tracking

Set up conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns. Track key metrics such as conversion rate, return on ad spend (ROAS), and cost per acquisition (CPA) to identify areas for improvement and optimise your campaigns accordingly.

Continuous Testing and Optimisation

Don’t set and forget your Google Ads campaigns. Continuously test different ad creatives, targeting options, and bidding strategies to identify what works best for your business. Use A/B testing to compare performance and make data-driven decisions to improve your ROI.

Google Ad Campaigns offer a powerful way to drive traffic and sales for your ecommerce store. Whether running Search Ad Campaigns to capture high-intent users or leveraging Performance Max for omnichannel reach, optimising your campaigns is key to unlocking their full potential. Following these strategies and staying agile in your approach can drive meaningful results and grow your ecommerce business in today’s competitive landscape.

Feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to implement these strategies for your ecommerce business? Don’t worry. I’m here to help! Book a call with me, and let’s discuss how we can tailor a Google Ad Campaign strategy specifically for your business goals


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce